The Definition : Giclee (zhee-klay)
- The French word "Giclée" is a feminine noun that means a spray or a spurt
of liquid.
Specs : Our Giclées measure 16x20 inches and are printed on Fine Art Photo Rag Satin (310 gsm). The print resolution is 2800
dots per inch. We use pigmented inks on archival grade papers.
The Term : The term "giclee print" connotes an elevation in printmaking
technology. Images are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed
with archival quality pigment inks onto heavyweight fine art paper. The giclee printing process provides better color accuracy
than other means of reproduction.
The Advantages : Archived
files will not deteriorate in quality as negatives and film inherently do.
Another tremendous advantage of giclee printing is that digital images can be
reproduced to almost any size and onto various media, giving the artist the
ability to customize prints for a specific client. The term "pigment print" is used generally for
any type of printed image that uses strictly pigments. Pigment printing
processes have been utilized since the middle of the 19th century. The image
stability of pigment printing is superior to that of any other method of
printing, including traditional silver-halide or metal-based.
Where archival dye-based ink sets exhibit excellent color gamut, pigment inks
excel in permanence. A dye is molecularly soluble in its vehicle, but pigment is
not. Pigment particles tend to be large enough to embed into the receiving
substrate making them water-resistant. The particulate nature of pigment inks
ensures their archival superiority. A particle of pigment is less susceptible to
destructive environmental elements than a dye molecule. Numerous examples of
giclee prints can be found in the New York Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of
Modern Art, and the Chelsea Galleries.
The Quality : The quality of the giclee print rivals traditional
silver-halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums,
art galleries, and photographic galleries.